Mystery of hanging pillar...
The beautiful and mysterious Virbhadra Temple also known as Lepakshi temple was made in 16 century. Lepakshi temple is located in a beautiful village of a Lepakshin in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh, India, about 120 km north of Bangalore. This temple was built in typical old south Indian architecture. 16 centuries architecture of South India was as famous as greek. This temple features many sculptures of God, goddess, animals and hundreds of painting all over the walls of the temple. All architecture of Temple reflects the stories from Ramayana Mahabharata and The Puranas. This includes are 24 feet by 14 feet Fresco of Virbhadra, the fairy God created by Shiva, on the ceiling, which is the largest fresco of any single figure in India. Lepakshi temple in India is a very mysterious and attractive place. Local stories about hanging pillar are very interesting and the people are super friendly. Among the 70 stone pillars, there is one that hangs from the ceiling in th...